Women’s Ministry
Building relationships with other women is so vital to spiritual growth. We want to help you find community with other women who will be a support to you and encourage you in your walk with the Lord. There are different opportunities to meet and serve with other women throughout the year, as well as the monthly gathering. Every 3rd Saturday at 9:30 AM we enjoy a Women’s Brunch where the primary focus is fellowshipping with one another. We would love to have you! This a casual environment where we bring breakfast items to share and encourage one another.
Men’s Ministry
“Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” (Prov. 27:17) Men who desire to follow Jesus must be an influence and support for one another in these challenging days. We want to help you be around men where you can be encouraged and build friendships. There are serving opportunities and other events throughout the year to be involved in. Every 1st Saturday at 8:30 AM we host a Men’s Breakfast where men enjoy a great breakfast that some of our men cook. We have a fun time hanging out and eating, but we also do the most important thing that we as men can do and that is pray. We have a time to pray for our church, our families, our community, and immediate prayer needs.